vrijdag 2 mei 2014

Skewness formulas

Skewness formulas

In the formulas below N represents the population size, n the sample size, μ the population mean, the sample mean and the sample median. 

Methods based on third moment
An explanation why the third moment could be used as a measure of skewness can be found at stats exchange (Glen_b, 2014).  

Fisher-Pearson coefficient of Skewness for population data (1895)

With , and

Biased Fisher-Pearson coefficient of Skewness for sample data (1895)

With , and

Adjusted Fisher-Pearson standardized moment coefficient (1895)

Methods based on tiles
There are several methods based on tiles (quartiles, decentiles, etc.). Hinkley (1975) created a general formula for these.

Hinkley (1975)

With the value of the i-th percentile, and 1 - p > p.

Bowley (1920)
Bowley skewness is equal to using the quartiles in Hinkley's formula

With Qi being the i'th quartile.

Kelly (Unknown)
Kelley Skewness is equal to using the first decile in Hinkley's formula:

Yule (1911)
Used a very similar formula as Bowley, but his definition of the quartile range was to divide it by two, yielding:

Methods based on mode or median
Groeneveld & Meedan (1984)
Groeneveld & Meedan compared various values of Hinkley's formula and averaged it out on:

Pearson Mode Skewness (1895)

Pearson Median Skewness (1895)

Hotelling & Solomons (1932)
Use the Pearson median skewness, but do not multiply the difference by three.

Bowley, A. L. (1920). Elements of Statistics (4th ed.). London: P. S. King & Son.
Glen_b. (2014, August 13). Proof / derivation of skewness and kurtosis formulas - Cross Validated. Retrieved April 6, 2015, from http://stats.stackexchange.com/a/111660
Groeneveld, R. A., & Meeden, G. (1984). Measuring Skewness and Kurtosis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series D (The Statistician), 33(4), 391–399. http://doi.org/10.2307/2987742
Hinkley, D. V. (1975). On Power Transformations to Symmetry. Biometrika, 62(1), 101–111. http://doi.org/10.2307/2334491
Hotelling, H., & Solomons, L. M. (1932). The Limits of a Measure of Skewness. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 3(2), 141–142. http://doi.org/10.1214/aoms/1177732911
Pearson, K. (1895). Contributions to the Mathematical Theory of Evolution. II. Skew Variation in Homogeneous Material. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. (A.), 186, 343–414. http://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.1895.0010
Yule, G. U. (1911). An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics. London: Charles Griffin. Retrieved from http://archive.org/details/anintroductiont01yulegoog

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